Big oil companies meet at SkyCity 21st March : Join us for a peaceful demonstration of civil disobedience at the Oil Conference at the SkyCity Convention Centre

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By means of peaceful civil disobedience, Greenpeace New Zealand are calling for an escalation in protest tactics at the oil conference in Auckland this year – because, despite years of public opposition and a total failure to find any oil, the Government continues to encourage oil companies to do risky deep sea oil exploration in our waters. We can’t afford to burn all our current oil reserves if we are to avoid catastrophic climate change – we don’t need any more oil!

In order to send a powerful message to the oil industry and the government that we are serious about real climate action, Greenpeace is inviting people to a non-violent, peaceful act of civil disobedience inspired by and in the tradition of Te Whiti and Tohu of Parihaka, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr.

If you are keen to participate or want to find out more visit this Facebook event page or our website.
It would be amazing if you could share and invite your friends along and help make it beautifully diverse, both culturally and age wise, by talking to people in your life that may not normally come along to something like this but who believe in the kaupapa.

Those who want to attend the event are being asked to come to a briefing session from 1pm – 5pm on Sunday 20thMarch – to prepare people for the activity and foster the essence of peaceful protest. This will also be a great networking / community building opportunity.

The venue for the briefing session will be in central Auckland, the exact address will be released closer to the day and you’ll be able to find that, on the facebook event page or website.
Please join us and share this event with your friends and family.

Thank you,
The People’s Climate March

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