Copenhagen 2009

Copenhagen 2009: So what are we going to do about it?

What a mess its shaping up to be. The targets are all wrong, the science they’re basing them on is way out-of-date and amongst the delegates, the lobbyists, the apolitical environmentalists and their collection of NGOs the most popular solution at the table is to hand over control of the Earth’s vital natural systems to a bunch of grinning wall street traders so they can pass it on to a bunch of companies that caused the problem in the first place… *sigh*

Thankfully, not everyone whos concerned about the future of life on planet Earth are thinking like this. Activists and organisations who have managed to join the dots between Climate Justice and Social Justice have been organising for action on Copenhagen 2009, and its not going to come in the form of a big email petition beginning with the word ‘please’.

Heres a communication about how things are shaping up elsewhere for COP15…
no climate justice no peace


click here to go to the organising website

click here to go to the organising website

Hello to all Interested

As you know, in December 2009, in Copenhagen, the UN will convene the largest and most important Climate Summit to date. This is a low volume announcement list for those interested in the planned counter-mobilisation and associated global action days. You can read the initial Call to Action in 21 different languages at
here comes the first newsletter of the info-mailing-list towards Copenhagen. PLEASE DISTRIBUTE this information in the circles of people with whom you work. (to join the announcement list

1. Meeting in Copenhagen Sept. 2008

2. Meeting in Poznan Dec. 2008

3. Meeting in Belem Jan. 2009

4. The Next International Meeting

1. The first planning meeting happened in Copenhagen in September 2008. About 100 people from 20-25 different countries participated. Many people were quite young with a background in anti-globalisation movement: Seattle and the WTO blockades were an important reference point for the group. The Climate Justice Now ideas (i.e. movements of the global north must work hand-in-hand with movements of the global south) were very important for the way we are planning for the COP15. For the record of this meeting see
what we did at the meeting:

-set-up working groups to facilitate the process of moving forward

-discussed strategy: we realised that we came from very different backgrounds and had very different ideas (for example: on the legitimacy of the COP process), but also that we had lots of similarities (ie: we don’t want the false solutions that are being propagated, we believe that the outcome of these negotiations are likely to be bad, we’re not convinced by market based solutions, we want to put solidarity over profit making, we need to stop over-production for over consumption, and we want to work for food sovereignty and community control)

-these ideas come from the call out produced by the meeting: it is a preliminary call out, but was a first way to reach out and get new organisations involved. The initial call has now been translated into 21 different languages available at
2. During the COP14 in Poznan in December 2008 there was a second meeting. We were about 80 people from nearly 30 countries. The first part was mainly an introduction-round to know each other. People came from different backgrounds, NGO’s, climate-action-groups, groups that not only work on climate change but also work on issues of
globalization such as WTO-finance-interests, and climate-camps. The majority of the represented groups were also members of the Climate-Justice-Now Network.
In the working-groups and discussion circles we found that we had many different positions but also some big similarities. On the one hand there was the position to influence the summit to achieve a “good deal”. On the other hand were loud voices to shut down the summit. We all had in common the position that the actual way the negotiations
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In the working group phase of the second part, we updated the actual process groups for Media, Action, Logistics; Process/Facilitiacion and created some new for Messaging and Solidarity. Informations about the existing mailinglists you find at the end. Furthermore, every group was asked to public a contact-email but until now, we only have personal email- addresses. So please contact us, the process-group, (climateaction [at] if you want to get in contact with one of the groups.

3. During the World Social Forum in Belem, Brazil, 27th of January until 1st of February 2009, there will also be meetings. Many of the people at these meetings will come from the networks of the global south, from South America, or other places in the world that cannot come easily to Europe. The meeting will be on the 31/1 from 12.00-15.00 in Belem at Local: UFPA Bp-Bp 05.
4. The next international meeting of this network will happen in Copenhagen March 14-15, 2009. This meeting will discuss our aims and tactics during the summit. We will also discuss the possibility of coordinated global action during the summit. We invite all interested peoples to participate. By working together as many social movements, we can find good solutions to the challenges that the COP15 summit of global leaders presents to us all. If you need a special invitation in order to acquire a visa please contact climatemarch [a] right away.

To get involved in the ongoing and open process, you may *also* want to sign up to the climate09-int email list To join discussion list go here ->

More information can be found on this website

You can add material to the website at
To join a WORKING GROUP or to otherwise get involved use the information below:




(in Copenhagen)


(website & communication)

(next international meeting)


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